Steps on How to Register a Trademark in Indonesia

Steps on How to Register a Trademark in Indonesia
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Business owners in Indonesia, either they are a small and medium enterprises or non-SMEs must know how to register a trademark in indonesia . Registering trademarks are highly beneficial for the continuity of the business. By registering the mark, the owner can use various trade activities and even services. Furthermore, brands also get legal protection because it has been registered into government’s data.

How to Register a Trademark in Indonesia

Registration of Intellectual Property Rights or trademarks is of course very useful for SMEs and non-SMEs. This can be used for protecting a brand, to copyright works and products. So, these business owners can avoid similarities or plagiarism against other brands, and avoid lawsuits. 

In building a business, a brand can be said to be the identity of a business. When a brand can achieve certain achievements, the product and business image can also increase easily in the eyes of the public or consumers. So, here are the steps to do to register a trademark, especially in Indonesia.

Steps to Register Trademark

The requirements needed to register a trademark in Indonesia are very simple. There are 3 things to prepare: a brand etiquette/label, signature of the applicant, and a Letter of Recommendation for UKM Binaan or an original Official Certificate for UKM Binaan Dinas (this document applies to MSME applicants).

The steps to start registering can also be done easily, because the processes are all done online. Here is a step-by-step how to register a trademark online.

  1. Order the billing code at
  2. Select 'Brand and Geographical Indication' for the type of service
  3. Select 'Application for Trademark Submitted By:'
  4. Select 'Micro and Small Enterprises' or 'General'
  5. Select 'Electronically (Online)'
  6. Enter Applicant Data and Application Data (name, complete address, email and cellphone number, etc.)
  7. Make PNBP payments via ATM/internet banking/m-banking
  8. Create an account on the brand at
  9. Select 'Online Application'
  10. Select the type of application, enter the billing code that has been paid
  11. Enter Brand Data
  12. Enter Class Data
  13. Upload the required document attachments
  14. Print Receipt Draft
  15. Furthermore, DJKI Kemenkumham will conduct a formality check on the trademark application submitted within 15 days. If the required conditions are all fulfilled, the results will be revealed within 2 months.

For information, prior to registering a trademark, it is advisable to first conduct research on the soon-to-be registered brand. This is very important to do, because it will help uncover if anyone has already registered a similar trademark with the one that will be submitted to the Intellectual Property Office.

In addition, it is useful to know whether the brand we are going to register has similarities with other brands or not. If the research results show that the mark to be submitted has a high chance of being registered, then the applicant can immediately register it with the Intellectual Property Office.


And that is how to register a trademark in Indonesia. One of the ways to achieve business success and longevity is by taking a step to legally protect the business brand. By registering a trademark, business image, identity, trust and the business’ assets can be maintained. It will definitely be easier to run a brand that is recognized by the government and consumers.

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